We moved on to Albany and as promised contacted Gordon and Maree. After a little bit of organising we met at Ledge Beach for a exhilarating walk. They do this every day...not bad for octogenarians!!!!!!

The waves were a pounding and Stephen was a shooting!

And Suri was having fun with his ball and a few friends that turned up!

Gordon and Stephen then went on a walk around Ledge Point to a lookout. The wild flowers were a blooming.

The Ginboy (not a Blackboy, but of the same family) was fresh in colour, silvery rather than green.

Ginboy with Albany Banksia in the foreground.

We were honoured to be invited back to Gordon and Maree's house for coffee, then a glass of wine. We talked and talked, the birds were everywhere and the flowers all dotted around their 28 acre property, running down to the King River.

We reckon this Red Eared Fire-tail may have got his colours from the Chilli!!!!

Western Rosellas both male and female.

Boronia, Gordon's passion. They have been growing then commercially and I walked away with a beautiful bunch of many hues.

Their incredible home was hexagonal with glass and angles all around. Maree also had the upstairs as her study/bird room. Here she got me all the information on the Noisy Scrub Bird. More on that later. Thanks again Maree and Gordon, we had a great day and hope that this is not the last time we met.

On the last day we walked the beach and collected shells, then on out to the memorial walk..this is the view from the lookout, back to Ledge Point.