Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Day 346 Darwin. Adelaide River

The Jumping Crocodile, on the Adelaide River, was an experience!!!!! These massive creatures are a sight to behold. May I introduce you to Geoffrey, all 5.5 metres of him, who was patiently waiting by the boat for his lunch time snack!!
Here Morgan feed Geoffrey, with no more than a quarter of his length out of the water.. 
In the turbid water you can see why you cannot see them...they also have a heatbeat rate of one per three minutes when resting...this means they can stay waiting for you...under you...for up to an swimming here.....ever....or fishing....ever!!!!!
The boat trip was an hour and a half and included some fantastic bird antics, with Whistling Kite and the White Breasted Sea Eagle coming down to feed almost from Morgans hands. 

As you can see from the shot below, they get mighty close.....

1 comment:

Jen Wren and the Hungarian said...


Sounds like you are having a grand time still. Very cold and windy and wet here at moment.
Hey Stephen..need to renew N/Ways membership as due. You can do it online. Call if stuck. x