We got away in December ,
just before the School Horror days!
We'd booked into the Small Caravan Park,
where D & A had stayed previously .
So the Photographers took off down the road ,
wanting to get the Clouds with The
Stirling Range as a backdrop .
I was happy with the Results !
Also a bit of Selective Colour .
The next day we headed down to Albany .
We'd heard about "The Field of Lights"
honouring the ANZACS
Here they are just starting .
The colours altered from Green to Orangish .
Looking down the Avenue .
A Truly Spectacular Event !

You don't see this everyday , "The Tree in the Rock"
funnily enough we've got 2 tiny ones
growing in the boulders out the front 😉
I rather liked this Mossy Crack !
D and A and I headed out toward The
Stirling Range .....
For me B & W was the go !
Apart from this .... scaring a flock of Beautifuls
on the side of the Road .
Couldn't agree more !
Alison at Castle Rock Winery
No more to say on this pic !
Driving around the back of a Winery looking
towards The Stirling Range .
It'd be a bit hard to take all the time !
Bzzzz !
Ive always been a bit of A Tree Hugger !
We visited Maleeya Thai Restaurant
and Bamboo Nursery ....
I had to buy a couple didn't I !
One Day D and A and I climbed
Castle Rock ....
What a view !!!
The Balancing Rock .
More of the View .
Some things are best kept in a cage 😳
Sorry Debs I couldn't resist ....
Finally I was tempted to head to Bluff Knoll
at Sparrows .
The Sun was up by the time I got there '
but the clouds were still "just hanging"
Trusty Toby was wonderful as usual .
And to prove it was a Wonderful Break 😜